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December 7, 2005

My Colon Exam

Since it is fashionable among older Americans to talk about their operations or procedures, I want to tell you about the colon exam that I had recently.

I want to, but I can't. Whatever it was they dripped in my veins blotted out the whole experience, so I can only tell you about afterward, which I thought was a very interesting example of opportunities presenting themselves at unexpected moments.

Upon coming to myself, I found I was in a small cubicle and a nurse was explaining to me that the procedure had involved pumping air into me, to inflate the colon and aid the scope in the exam. This air, she said was still in there and must be expelled. She would leave me to get it done.

After experimenting a bit, I realized that I had a virtually unlimited supply of propellant and that I shouldn't waste it.

I briefly warmed up by running the scales a few times, then launched into a medley of show tunes. These included selections from 'Fiddler On The Roof', 'Sound Of Music' and 'Cats'. My finest moment however, was during the final number. I had chosen 'Overture of 1812', always a stirring and patriotic piece, and had reached the crescendo near the end, when the nurse come back to check on me. Unable to cope with her emotions and with tears in her eyes, she rushed from the room to compose herself.

At that moment I felt proud to be an American and at the same time humbled by the whole process. Without expecting it I was suddenly placed in a situation where, for the first time I could experience my true potential and begin to see what life as an artist could hold for me.

Steve Weaver Aircraft Sales - Route 3 Box 696 - Phillipi, West Virginia - Phone 304-457-4523 - Fax 304-457-4799 A picturesque bed and breakfast located on the Tygart River in the scenic hills of West Virginia.

Copyright © 1997 - 2007 Steve Weaver Aircraft Sales. Specifications are based upon owner's representations, and subject to buyer's verification. Aircraft are subject to prior sale or removal from market.